I'd go with Ben, and ask a few sandwich shops to pile up some copies of your comic, or a snippet strip on some A4, so people can have a read whilst they're getting their orders.
Or make a few b&w designs for a paper boat, then float several 100 en masse down a river.
Or do a mural in chalk on the street.
I don't know about Tennessee, but I know every now and then in Pittsburgh they have bigger art events or festivals and such that give people the opportunity to hawk their artwork. Maybe just keep an eye out for any kind of event that would let you set up a table or a booth that you could sell prints and your comic book at.
Also putting things on the street is always the fastest and easiest way to get lots of people to see something. Could always just make A4 paper posters hyping your comic with your website on it and just staple them on EVERYTHING.
All good ideas. Thanks Ben.