I agree with the 1st commentator. Your style is so raw and unbridled! You should take over a small country!
I draw stuff. I do other stuff too.
Age 41, Male
Joined on 10/5/05
I agree with the 1st commentator. Your style is so raw and unbridled! You should take over a small country!
Both of you are obviously very intelligent and handsome... I'm going to name my boat after you.
Great work, glad to see you found someone dude. Awesome art, as usual.
Thank you sir.
I own issue #1 and #2. I showed them to a couple of my friends and they really like it. I'll be purchasing #3 shortly for my birthday. When do you think issue #4 will be ready?
Hopefully, very soon...
Awesome, I got it when I entered that competition for the ad, and It's an amazing comic. Just this weeked I studied it a bit cause I was working on a comic myself. What happened to that amazing cover though; it's not in the flash :(
Tip for next issues: make the magnifying glass a bit bigger.
I'm so glad to have taken a small part in your comic series, even if it is just for one ad on the back. If you ever feel like collaborating you know I'll be waiting ;)
I'm up for collaborating any time... I've got plenty of ideas that wish they had a faster father.
Awesome power... are copies signed?
The ones in the store aren't... I did sign the copies the ad winners got though.
THis may not be imporant for most people but for me I was going to read it but then once I realized I'd have to squint my eyes and strain to read the text I said NOPE. And went on. Otherwise I totally would have read it. So maybe you should fix that? Because I"m assuming a lot of people are doing that..
Oh and btw, I thought the turning the page thing was PRETTY Awesome. So yeh. haha
Ty ty, now i do not need to open up my comic over and over, to show people and to read, these bad boys are staying in the vault of gems:) good work as always!
You are too kind sir.
I thought it was amazing, I worship the ground you walk on!