Make time for the people you love. Call them and talk to them. Find out about their lives and share your life with them too. Life is short, life is brittle and the things we say in anger might be the last things we say. All in all, we are all only here for a very short time, and that time is unknown. There are people who you could help in real life, who might miss hearing from you. People have the ability at their fingertips to speak to anyone who is in their life no matter where they are for the first time in human history. Use it. Make the most of it. Call those people and eat a meal with them, or just sit together and talk with them. Visit the old people in your life. The overwhelmed people in your life. The lonely people. Do their dishes. Take out their trash. Sit and listen to their advice and really try to apply it. Actually do the thing. The world is dark but you can bring a little light to it if you decide to.
Aww, wow! That's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ADVICE, thank you. ^^ You've motivated me to spend time with my Mum more, have fun on weekends more and etc ^_^ Thank you so much. ???