I released the board game (Curse of the Wymer Stones) my wife and I have been working on for a few years back in October, and we finally got some reviews back.
We got one review in that really liked the game, and another that did not like it at all.
Isn't life interesting? Two completely different reviews of the exact same thing? Is one of them correct? I know I prefer the one that really liked it, because I worked hard on the game and want people to enjoy my hard work. Does that mean that the other review is wrong? I'm not certain it is wrong, even if I don't agree with it. Life is short, and who wants to waste their money on a thing that they won't like? So, as a marketing tool, both of these reviews stand as either an endorsement or a warning, and you wouldn't know which was closer to your own experience unless you played the game yourself and found out which one you agreed with more. Isn't that interesting? I know I think it is.